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Long Paper ("ARW Requirement") Resources

This guide includes resources to help you pick a topic, conduct legal research, and write your paper, including organization, grammar, style and citation.

Introduction to Legal Citation

Citation, n. "A reference to a legal precedent or authority, such as a case, statute, or treatise, that either substantiates or contradicts a given position. -- Often shortened to cite." Citation, Black's Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014).

There are several different systems for legal citation which are listed below in the box titled Legal Citation Manuals/Guides. Whichever system you're using, there are a few main tenets of citation to keep in mind:

  • cite to the what you are looking at (online or print);
  • provide enough information so your reader can find the resource you used; and
  • be consistent!

Your First Stop

The Bluebook

AWLD Guide to Legal Citation

The University of Chicago Manual of Legal Citation

Universal Citation Guide 

Research Guides from Other Law Libraries

Many other libraries have research guides to help their students learn and understand legal citation principles. A few are listed here, and the last entry provides steps to finding additional guides.