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Foreign Law

Resources for foreign law research.

Page explanation

Your best bet when approaching a foreign law research project will often be to find a good secondary source to get you started, rather than attempting to jump right into primary law sources for your country. This page lists some such resources to consider, both online and in print. These resources will give you background on the topic, and give you suggestions on where to go from there, whereas the resources on the "Primary Law" tab generally go straight to the sources themselves.

Guides are resources to help you learn how to do research on a particular topic.

The Nutshell series is a collection of concise and comprehensive guides to various areas of law as well as pratical guides to skills like trial and clinical skills for students and lawyers.

Tutorials are typically short videos or slide shows telling you how to research a topic, and sometimes contain quizzes so that you can test yourself on what you learned in the tutorial.

General Guides - Print

Interactive Tutorials

General Research Guides - Electronic